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Are You Suffering From These Symptoms of GERD?

Are You Suffering From These Symptoms of GERD?

A burning in your upper chest, trouble swallowing, and regurgitation — these are just a few of the unpleasant symptoms that can accompany gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Unfortunately, GERD is fairly common, affecting about one in five people in the United States. Dealing with the side effects of GERD is uncomfortable at best, but left unchecked, this condition can cause permanent damage to your upper digestive tract.

If you want to avoid this outcome, you need to recognize the symptoms of GERD and seek our help at the first signs of trouble. To help, our highly skilled team here at Advanced Surgeons has pulled together a list of the most common signs of GERD and how we can resolve the condition.

GERD 101

When you have GERD, the barrier between your stomach and your esophagus isn’t strong, which allows the contents of your stomach to come back up into your throat.

While most people experience acid indigestion from time to time, all too many have ongoing problems with GERD, which, over time, can damage the lining of your esophagus and even affect your oral health due to acids in your mouth.

There are many different conditions or behaviors that can increase your risk of developing GERD, chief among them:

Of course, anyone can develop the problem, but GERD is more often associated with people who carry these risk factors.

Common signs of GERD

When the contents of your stomach make their way back up your esophagus, you can experience a number of different symptoms, including:

These symptoms can come and go, depending on your eating patterns. And many people experience these symptoms at night because they’re lying flat in bed, which eliminates gravity in your upper digestive tract.

Treating GERD

If you suspect you have GERD, we urge you to come see us so that we can take a look. If your examination identifies GERD, there are several treatments we might recommend.

If your weight is the likely culprit behind your GERD, we want to tackle this underlying factor first. We offer medical weight loss services, including weight loss surgery, that can help you shed the unhealthy pounds, which go a long way toward clearing up your GERD.

We also recommend managing your GERD through medications, as well as lifestyle changes that can help keep your GERD to a minimum. Some of these changes might involve avoiding trigger foods, sleeping with your upper body at a slight angle, and eating more slowly.

If you’d like more information on GERD and how we can help you find relief, please contact one of our locations in Valhalla, Carmel, or Poughkeepsie, New York, to set up an appointment.

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