Paying for Bariatric Surgery: How much does bariatric surgery cost? Is it covered by insurance? Find out here.
Seminars: Learn more about weight loss surgery and a healthy lifestyle with both pre- and post-surgery seminars.
Patient Concerns: Learn about post-operative care, recovery and support. You can also find additional information in our FAQ section.
Exercise Videos: Bariatric surgery is just one piece of the weight-loss puzzle. Follow along with these exercise videos to get moving and stay fit.
Recipes: Delicious recipes approved by our specialists that will help you keep the weight off and ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need.
Health Benefits: Did you know that bariatric surgery can reduce your risk of a number of dangerous chronic conditions? Find out which ones and how weight loss surgery can help.
BMI Calculator: People must meet certain body mass index (BMI) thresholds to be considered a candidate for weight loss surgery. Check your BMI here, and compare it to after you’ve had surgery.
Bariatric Support Groups and Calendar: Support is essential to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, even after surgery. Advanced Surgeons will connect you with support groups. See the schedule here.
How Does Bariatric Surgery Work: Learn the difference between restrictive procedures and malabsorptive procedures, and which one is right for you.
Open vs. Laparoscopic Surgery: Open and laparoscopic both describe surgical techniques. Find out what these terms mean, and when you might need one or the other.
Bariatric Surgery Risks: Bariatric surgery is safe and effective, but like all surgeries there is a small chance of complication. Learn the risks and make an informed decision.