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What Is BMI for Women?

BMI for Women

BMI for women, as well as men, is a description of how much of your body is made up of fat compared to other tissues and muscles. The fact is that everyone’s body contains some fatty tissue and that is good for you. However, in a person who has a high BMI level, this means he or she may be at risk for all sorts of complications, including all obesity-related conditions. You should know what your BMI should be in order to know just how healthy you are.

What Is a Good BMI for Women?

BMI for women changes throughout their lifetimes. In short, when you are younger, your body has less stored fat than when you enter child-bearing years. In all cases, though, you will want to be in the following range.

Most people will see their BMI fall after this point by a few points. Keep in mind, though, that these weights are very specific. This is not just about weight, but also about your body’s overall health.

What Is the BMI for Women Range?

Most doctors will have a scale used to determine how much your BMI should be. Again, this differs based on your age, as listed below. However, consider the following as a basic guideline for BMI for women.

Why Should You Care?

The fact it, many people see this information and wonder why they should be worried. If you are not in the range of normal, you could be putting yourself at risk for a wide range of health complications. In fact, BMI for women is a clear indicator of conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Maintain these numbers in the normal range to reduce these risks.

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