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With our liposuction technique, we strive to achieve aesthetically ideal human form by revealing underlying anatomical structures rather than simply removing fat. Dr. Maffei specializes in a technique that permanently destroys fat cells for additional sculpting of your body moving beyond simple fat removal, into the realm of muscle sculpting with “shrink wrapping” of skin into ab creases creating a more athletic appearance.


Patients with small to moderate amounts of subcutaneous fat, good underlying muscle tone, and good skin laxity are the best candidates for this type of sculpting liposuction we perform even if no obvious muscle definition is visible to the naked eye.

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance which utilizes advanced ultrasound technology to break down fat. The ultrasound wavelengths create vibrations, and these vibrations create a shrinkage and enlargement of the tumescent fluid air bubbles emitted from the VASER device. Tumescent fluid – a special mixture of lidocaine and saline – is used in liposuction sessions to increase comfort and aid in a smoother recovery. And the addition of vibration makes the process even easier and smoother because the vibrating air bubbles gently break up the adipose tissue, or fat.

Adipose tissue is not only fat, but contains blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. The extremely advanced VASER technology safely separates the fat cells from the aforementioned, allowing for accurate and non-disruptive suctioning. Tissues, vessels, and nerves remain unharmed while the body is ridded of localized fat deposits.

Areas That Can Be Treated

  • ✓ Ankles
  • ✓ Arms
  • ✓ Axilla
  • ✓ Banana Roll
  • ✓ Breast
  • ✓ Calves
  • ✓ Chest/Gynecomastia
  • ✓ Flanks
  • ✓ Inner & Outer Thighs
  • ✓ Knees
  • ✓ Stomach
  • ✓ Upper & Lower Back
  • ✓ Waist

Traditional Liposuction vs. VASER Hi-Def Lipo?

Traditional Lipo

Traditional methods remove fat through avulsion. This can damage surrounding tissues.

Skin inconsistencies (bumps and rippling) can occur.

Risk of blood loss

Average patient recovery

Increased bruising

Vaser Hi-Def Lipo

VASER uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to remove fat.

Improved skin retraction and overall smoothness

7.5 times less blood loss than traditional liposuction(Aesthetic Surgery Journal Study)

Faster patient recovery

Decreased bruising

Am I a Good Candidate?

During a consultation, the VASER expert staff will determine which body contouring procedure will be the best option for you. Ideal candidates for VASER Lipo are individuals around their goal weight, with an active lifestyle but cannot lose the fat in certain areas. Best candidates are men and women with good muscle tone.

It is important to note that any form of liposuction is not a weight loss solution; you can gain the weight back after surgery. This procedure is intended to remove areas of stubborn fat in a person who is otherwise fit and healthy. It is not designed to treat large amounts of fat. This is why coming into your surgery with realistic expectations is very important. Please mention all of your concerns during your consultation and Dr. Maffei will determine the ideal procedure options for you.

Your Consultation

During the initial consultation Dr. Maffei and his highly experienced staff will perform a thorough exam and determine your VASER Lipo candidacy. Based on the procedure and technique chosen, you will be provided with customized recovery and preparation instructions. If you are interested in seeing if you qualify as a candidate, please feel free to contact our office and we will gladly get you started on the path to a beautifully contoured you.


After the Treatment

Patients are able to return home immediately following their VASER Lipo session. After the treatment session it is normal to feel slight warmth of the treatment area, and in some cases the skin may be a little pink. These are effects that will subside very quickly, but ice applications can help soothe any discomfort. Most VASER patients take about one to two days off work. Ambulating or walking are necessary during this initial time period and continuously through your recovery to ensure adequate blood flow. Patients can resume partaking in more strenuous physical activities in a couple of weeks.

All patients heal at different rates, but the majority of VASER patients begin to see their fantastically sculpted results as soon as any resulting swelling or bruising subsides in a matter of days. Final, best results are usually enjoyed after two to three months.


VASER Lipo varies based on the amount of treatment areas, the size of the treatment areas, and the amount of sessions required to reach your ideal contour. Dr. Maffei is skilled and qualified in creating the optimal treatment plan that will provide the best individual results possible. Please feel free to contact our office today if you are interested in revolutionary VASER Liposuction.