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To Juice or Not To Juice???


To Juice or Not To Juice is the question of many these days….

Juicing has been around for years, but has been growing in popularity since the 1990’s. Have you noticed more and more juice bars opening up in your neighborhood?

If you do not include fruits and vegetables in your diet, juicing can be a good way to get them into your diet (or sneak them into your child’s diet! ). But, beware of the hidden calories juicing can have…..

Juicing can provide a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in a glass but the beneficial fiber/pulp is often removed. Remember to include the fiber which is found in the skin of the fruit or vegetables. The skin is often not used in juicing. The juice is extracted away from the pulp. The pulp is left behind and winds up being tossed in the garbage. There are many different types and price ranges of juicing machines including ordinary blenders to the magic bullet costing anywhere from ~$50 to hundreds of dollars. When juice is thicker you are usually getting more of the nutrients extracted. Check to make sure the one you decide to purchase can break down the entire fruit and vegetable to obtain the most nutrients.

Juicing and Weight Loss???

We usually do not recommend juicing as part of your pre or post op diet plan after weight loss surgery…

Why Not To Juice After Weight Loss Surgery???

For example: A 4 oz glass of fruit juice has 60 calories, therefore if you consume a 20 oz smoothie made from fruit juice alone, you are consuming 300 calories. If any milk or yogurt or any other secret ingredients are added to the juice, you will be drinking more than 400 calories!! OMG!! That is more calories than a meal you should be eating after weight loss surgery.

To Juice or Not To Juice???? Discuss with your registered dietitian to determine what is best for your diet plan****If juicing at all- stick to your portion sizes and measuring tools (do not consume more than 1/2 cup fruit per serving or 1 cup of salad greens/veg at a time)*****

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