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Thanksgiving After Bariatric Surgery! What Can I Eat???

Bariatric Surgery

 How To Survive Thanksgiving After Bariatric Surgery

Thanksgiving can be a challenging time for anyone concerned about cutting calories and or controlling their food intake. This festive time of year poses unique challenges to those who have had weight loss surgery including the gastric band, gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.

What should you prepare or bring to the family’s Thanksgiving celebration?

Prepare or purchase a healthy, delicious menu item that contains the nutrients you will need after weight loss surgery. For example: cook/purchase a protein or vegetable dish. You could make a vegetable platter with a low fat greek yogurt dip or bring a cold cut platter. Prepare something that is appetizing and nutritious that you can enjoy and feel less tempted to indulge in less healthy dishes on the table.

Come to the table knowing what you should and should not be eating… Stick to the plan as much as you can!

You will still need to be prepared to say no to relatives or friends who may urge you to try “just a sliver or a taste” of the pumpkin cream pie or rich sweet potato casserole….

Think of this festive time of year as an opportunity to see your family and friends rather than as a holiday to eat!

Concentrate on catching up with your loved ones and fill your plate with delicious and healthy foods! Don’t torture yourself by placing yourself at the table directly across from the desserts. Go for a walk with a family member or a friend after dinner during dessert time to avoid the temptation! Bring a healthy dessert option to the table, fresh fruit is always a welcomed choice after such heavy food.

Alternatives to a traditional Thanksgiving Meal:

You can volunteer at a soup kitchen or other organization to help those in need. This is a way to share with others and express your gratitude for all the blessings in your life, including the strides you are making to better health!!!

What to put on your Thanksgiving Day plate!

A step by step guide to help decide what you can eat at your Thanksgiving meal after all stages of weight loss surgery.

Pre- Op Patients (Before Weight Loss Surgery)

The day before Thanksgiving, replace 2-3 meals with a protein shake with unlimited amounts of vegetables and 2-3 fruit servings per day (1 fruit serving= small fruit or 1/2 cup). If you are diabetic, you may have a fruit with each shake if you have low-normal blood glucose. If you are diabetic and your sugar is high prior to consuming the shake, do not add fruit.

Remember to enjoy yourself on the day of Thanksgiving! You want to create a calorie deficit the day before so you can enjoy the Holiday! It takes 3,500 calories to gain one pound and 3,500 calories to lose one pound! We all know that is a lot harder to lose than gain!

What should your dinner plate look like:

***Remember to ALWAYS consume your PROTEIN 1st, Vegetables or Fruit 2nd and Starch last!***

4-6 oz Turkey (can add a small amount of gravy)

Unlimited vegetables (except for the starchy ones e.g.. corn, peas, lima beans, butternut/acorn squash)

1/2 cup cooked starch (mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes or stuffing or corn pudding)

A small slice of one of your favorite desserts

Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op Weight Loss Surgery (After weight loss surgery):

***Remember to ALWAYS consume your PROTEIN 1st, Vegetables or Fruit 2nd and Starch last!***

***Please DO NOT try turkey or gravy 1-2 weeks post-op as it is too dry at this stage and the gravy can cause stomach discomfort and Dumping Syndrome for Gastric Bypass Surgery***

4-6oz protein shake

1-2 teaspoons of mashed or sweet potatoes ***as long as they are not made with brown sugar, molasses or marshmallows***

1-2 teaspoons of all-natural applesauce

Dessert: sugar free pudding or sugar free ice pops or sugar free Jello

Weeks 3 & 4 Post-Op Weight Loss Surgery:

***Remember to ALWAYS consume your PROTEIN 1st, Vegetables or Fruit 2nd and Starch last!***

Breakfast and lunch meals will be your protein shakes of 4-6 oz each. Follow directions you have been provided with at your Pre- Op Nutrition Class.

What your dinner plate should look like:

3-4 oz of turkey, cut up into very small pieces (pinky nail size) and eaten very slowly- do not add gravy

1-2 Tablespoons of either mashed or sweet potatoes- make sure they are NOT made with brown sugar or molasses or marshmallows or stuffing without sausage pieces

Dessert: sugar -free pudding/Jello/ice pops or no sugar added fudgsicles

1-3 Months Post-Op Weight Loss Surgery- (eat as tolerated, you may only get to the protein!!):

***Remember to ALWAYS consume your PROTEIN 1st, Vegetables or Fruit 2nd and Starch last!***

3-4 oz of Turkey (you can have a small amount of gravy if you have tolerated it before today)

1/4 cup soft cooked vegetables (or chopped/shredded raw vegetables if tolerated prior to today)

1/4 cup either mashed or sweet potatoes- make sure they are NOT made with brown sugar or molasses or marshmallows or stuffing

Dessert: 1/4 cup fresh or frozen fruit or sugar- free pudding/ Jello/ice pops or no sugar added fudgsicles

4 Months Post-Op Weight Loss Surgery or More:

***Remember to ALWAYS consume your PROTEIN 1st, Vegetables or Fruit 2nd and Starch last!***

3-4 oz Turkey ( You can have a small amount of gravy if you have tolerated it before today)1/2 cup soft cooked vegetables or 1 cup salad

1/4 -1/2 cup either mashed or sweet potatoes- make sure they are NOT made with brown sugar or molasses or marshmallows or stuffing

Dessert: 1/2 fruit or cup fresh or frozen fruit or sugar- free pudding/Jello/ice pops or no sugar added fudgsicles

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy, healthy and delicious Thanksgiving Day!!!!

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